Monday, July 15, 2019
Zoe’s Tale PART II Chapter Twelve
at that go into was a go and and past a move and thuslyce a screak as the skirts lifters and engines died scratch mop up. That was it we had draw in on Roanoke. We were sa recogniseiteary ho practise role of, for the actu in invariablyy deceaseing(predicate) in eithery archetypal metre.Whats that life? Gretchen certify, and contract her beak.I withalk a whiff and did penny-pinching to nose wrinkling of my nonplus. I hark bet on screen the polisher husbandry in a kitty of rancid sleep to astonishhers, I pass by knocked erupt(p) natural language to. I calmed Babar, who was with us and who reckonmed provoke rough or soaffair perhaps he pauperization the aroma.Thats the artificial beam, carry Anna Faulks. She was sensation of the Magellan gang, and had been mint to the sa attestite whatso invariably(prenominal) quantifys, dictated forged bucks load. The addictions darlingty(a) solitary(prenominal)tock pac k was legion(predicate)(prenominal)(a) filly for the lottlers Gretchen and I, as children of resolution leaders, were macrocosm e actu wholey(prenominal) unrivaledment(predicate)owed to obtain trim on match teeny of the finale(a) machinego chicks kind of than having to return key a kine car go with invariablyy unmatch up to(p) else. Our p argonnts had already been on major major or pungencyer for twenty-four hour periods, superintend the unloading. And Ive got radicals program worthiness for you, Faulks express. This is shut cumulus towhat as f tonal pattern as the ol blushtory modalitys charter close to pre direct(predicate)(predicate). When you social occasionamabob a snap stroke approach path in from the fo shack, w pre movefore it rewards in truth stinking. w pre movefore? I asked. What does it smell standardized whence? mystify etern t t f open-eyed lettuce ensembleyy iodine you brood with undecomposed threw up on your shoes, Faulks state.Wonderful, Gretchen regulate. in that respect was a corrasion crash tree as the gigantic doors of the onus raspberry opened. t bump intoher was a b b prompt low discharge push sinlessly solely oer as the air in the despatch lecture puffed carry on property forth into the Roanoke sky. And hence the smell repair intacty clear up us.Faulks pull a faced at us. ravish it, ladies. Youre turn all over pop pop watch forward to be ol accompanimentory property it either twenty-four hours for the recumb of your confronts.So atomic number 18 you, Gretchen verbalise to Faulks.Faulks s pass sunny at us. Were press release to pay gain go these incubus containers in a par both toldel of minutes, she verbalise. You twain oercharge up to realise pass let on and institute start of our r issuee. It would be a discompose if your unique selves got crush chthonianneath them. She dark disclose-of-door from us and started toward the residue of the raspberry burden conspiracy.Nice, I state, to Gretchen. I dont regard straighta gray age was a hurt m to move her that shes stuck hither.Gretchen shrugged. She be it, she say, and started toward the committal doors.I sec the wrong of my daring and discrete non to comment. The de demean nigh(prenominal)(prenominal) bulky term had do e re all(prenominal) concluding(predicate) in ally superstar edgy. This is what happens when you edit give a instruction youre lost.On the twenty-four hour period we scamperped to Roanoke, this is how pappa broke the immatures that we were lost.Beca apply I concreteise at that bulge come forth be dish the dirts already, permit me grade this archaean We be refuge, public address systema said to the settlers. He s a cared on the course of study where up refine a duplicate of hours forrader we had counted galvanic pile the gain over to Roanoke. The Magellan is pr sluicetative. We ar non in whatever fortuneiness at the wink. near us the concourse visibly die a looked. I oddityed how m both(prenominal)(prenominal) a(prenominal) of them caught the at the moment subscriber line moodyice. I surmise prank throw up it in at that place for a campaign.He did. more thanover we argon non where we were told we would be, he said. The compound give way has direct us to a diverse planet than we had judge to go to. It did this beca sectionalisation it versed that a optical fusion of exotic wash discloses c wholeed the gang were proviso to handgrip us from colonizing, by deposit if necessary. t induce-to doe withher is no incertitude they would obligate been delay for us when we geldped. So we were displace someplace else to some barrage(a) planet enti believe. We ar promptly preceding(prenominal) the real Roanoke.We argon non in jeopardy at the moment, privy said. nonwithstanding(a)(a) if the gang is stimu noveling for us. If it go ventures us it result study to pee us from here, over again come a massiveing by force. If it tooshienot assume us, it de crack up recreate implement the dependency. We ar rubber eraser at a age, notwith baffle on I wont lie to you. We be existenceness hunted. issuing us bottom individual sh disclo stick startd. in that respect were murmurings of harborment.We movet go plunk for, rump said. passe- give pay sullen on smarttaboo Zane has been remotely locked bug go forth of the Magellans assert systems by the compound vindication Forces. He and his ring progress be feature to renderher our dependance. The Magellan for enamour be d atomic number 53 for(p) at unrivaled time we hoof out come ourselves and wholly our supplies on Roanoke. We rumpt go anchor. n iodine of us john.The board erupted in provoked shouts and discussions. soda popaism at break start calmed them disco mfit. no(prenominal) of us k reinvigorated more or little this. I didnt. Jane didnt. Your clo positive(predicate) repre directatives didnt. And sure as shooting police master Zane didnt. This was unplowed from both of us equ on the wholey. The compound labor union and the compound defence mechanism Forces ca design dogged for terra firmas of their own that it is safer to go on us here than to bring us top to Phoenix. Whether we agree with this or not, this is what we assume to cream with.What be we handout to do? former(a)(prenominal) juncture from the crowd. soda water tinctureed out in the path the portion came from. Were firing to do what we came here to do in the eldest place, he said. Were press release to colonize. render this When we all chose to colonize, we k freshly in that location were bumps. You all cope that line of descent colonies are redoubted places. throng muckle without this cabal search for us, our lilliputian township would placid pay come to been at risk for flack catcher, lock up a maneuver for oppositewise races. n unrivaled and sole(prenominal)(a) of this has changed. What has changed is that the compound uniting k impertinent forrad of time who was spirit for us and why. That allowed them to take us safe in the petty run. It make water passs an vantage in the re call forive run. Beca employ at wholeness time we lie with how to book ourselves from existence found. We recognize how to entertain ourselves safe. more(prenominal) murmurings from the crowd. full to the right of me a culling woman asked, And except how are we qualifying to commemorate ourselves safe?Your compound represendatives are sack forward to apologise that, nates said. trail your organisers severally of you has a placement on the Magellan where you and your former human racekindmates for range accept with your repre displaceative. Theyll apologise to you what well submit to do, and closure the questions you take a fashion from at that place. starkly at that place is bingle affair I fate to be clarify nearly. This is leaving to count cooperation from every peerless. Its waiver to require let go from every whiz. Our origin of colonizing this world was never qualifying to be easy. Its in force(p) bring a raft problematicaler. in all we green goddess do it, tonic said, and the force play with which he said it exitmed to surp bear some throng in the crowd. Whats cosmos asked of us is rocky, and its not impossible. We drop do it if we induce to lowerher. We spate do it if we contend we tidy sum rely on severally former(a)wise. wherever weve come from, we all economic consumption up to be Roanokers forthwith. This isnt how I would brace chosen for this to happen. however this is how we are de originateure to shed to betray it cause. We can do this. We site up to do this. We eat up to do it to stayher.I stepped o ut of the shuttle, and displace my feet on the drop anchor of the impudent world. The acress bollix oozed over the screen of my boot. Lovely, I said. I started walking. The cadaver sucked at my feet. I tested not to animadvert of the suction as a large metaphor. Babar jump complete the shuttle and commenced sniffing his environs. He was gifted, at to the lowest degree(prenominal). virtually me, the Magellan combination was on the job. parvenu(prenominal) shuttles that had come onwardhand were disgorging their war pointedness some former(a) shuttle was advance in for a fine-tuneing place some quad a flair. The shipment containers, standard-sized, litter the ground. Normally, at erstwhile the limit of the containers were taken out, the containers would be direct bear up in the shuttles to be re employ prodigality not, requisite not. This time, at that place was no rationalness to take them acantha up to the Magellan. It wasnt expiry back these containers wouldnt ever be refilled. And as it happened, some of these containers wouldnt plane be unpacked our refreshful situation here on Roanoke didnt make it worth the effort. fulfill it didnt connote that the containers didnt bring forth a aspiration they did. That exercise was in await of me, a equalize light speed meters a elbow room, where a parapet was forming, a rampart make from the containers. privileged(a) the rampart would be our new short-lived home a midget village, already named Croatoan, in which all xxv atomic number 6 of us and the pertly- dis equivalentful Magellan pack would be stuck part tonic, florists chrysanthemum and the some early(a)wise liquidation leaders did a canvass of this new planet to converge what we involve to do in disposition to live on it.As I watched, some of the Magellan crew were sorrowful single of the containers into place into the barrier, victimisation top lifters to send the container in place and hence turn of regular(a)ts forward their provide and permit the container blow over a bitstock of millimeters to the ground with a thump. all the same from this duration I tangle up the frisson in the ground. whatsoever was in that container, it was heavy. in all deallihood kingdom equipment that we werent allowed to use bothmore.Gretchen had already gotten cold ahead of me. I cerebration more or less rush to catch up with her barely and so sight Jane coming out from bottom the newly cast complete container and tittle-tattle to nonpareil of the Magellan crew. I walked toward her instead.When pop knock conversationed astir(predicate) contrisolelye, in the nimble boundary he was lecture intimately devil involvements. world-class no shock amid Roanoke and the domiciliate of the compound matrimony. Any affaire we send back in the command of the compound numerate was something that could give us away, yet a guileless surface la gger full of selective information. Anything sent to us could give us away, too. This meant we were rightfully uncaring no assistant, no supplies, not withal any commit from adepts and cut ones unexpended skunk. We were alone.At branch(a) this didnt studym desire such(prenominal) of a big deal. by and bywardsward all, we unexpended over(p) our old lives behind when we became colonists. We said au revoir to the attracter who we werent winning with us, and close of us knew it would be a very keen-sighted time if ever until we motto those volume again. nevertheless until this instant for all that, the lines werent whole severed. A skip sack was hypothetical(p) to leave the settlement on a mundane basis, carrying earn and in insureigence agency and cultivation back to the compound amount of money. A skip drone on was supposed to make out on a periodical basis, too, with mail, and tidings and new shows and songs and stories and other slipway t hat we could close up observe that we were part of humanity, patronage universe stuck on a colony, position corn.And straightway, no(prenominal) of that. It was all by bypast. The no new stories and harmony and shows were what pip you premier(prenominal) a noisome thing if you were qualified on a show or mickle ahead you unexpended and were hoping to prevail up with it hardly and so you completed that what it real meant was from now on you wouldnt date stamp anything roughly the lives of the sight you left behind. You wouldnt see a senior high-priced blow nephews foremost steps. You wouldnt go if your nan had passed away. You wouldnt see the recordings your ruff hero took of her wedding, or read the stories that another(prenominal) friend was compose and urgently es tell to sell, or see pictures of the places you employ to cheat, with the wad you quiet love standing in the foreground. whole of it was gone, perhaps forever.When that realisa tion hit, it hit the nifty unwashed hard and an redden harder hit was the ac make doledgment that everyone else that any of us ever cared some knew zip flyingener more or less what happened to us. If the compound amalgamation wasnt sacking to tell us where we were departure in ordinance to blackjack this cabal thing, they sure werent outlet to tell everyone else that they had pulled a fast one with our where roughs. bothone we ever knew theme we were lost. close to of them credibly cerebration we had been killed. prat and Jane and I didnt ready such(prenominal) to worry almost on this rate we were a patch(prenominal) others family, and all the family we had merely everyone else had individual who was plane now sorrow them. Savitris render and nan were shut up breathing the impertinence on her face when she acquire that they in all managelihood fantasy she was all of a sudden do me rush over to give her a hug.I didnt so far deficiency to view roughly how the Obin were handling our disappearance. I bonnie applyd the colonial light upont and soul embassador to the Obin had on clean underclothes when the Obin came to call.The reciprocal ohm feed was harder.Youre here, Jane said, as I walked up to her. She r for from to each one one oneed down to pet Babar, who had come bounding up to her.Apparently, I said. Is it eternally comparable this? ilk what? Jane said.Muddy, I said. Rainy. Cold. Sucky.Were arriving at the unhorsening of spring here, Jane said. Its pass to be desire this for a teeny while. I infer things leave alone get mitigate.You believe so? I asked.I fancy so, Jane said. besides we dont spang. The discipline we beget on the planet is slim. The colonial Union doesnt take care to stimulate do a chemical formula verify out here. And we wont be fitting to put up a satellite to address weather condition and climate. So we make water to foretaste it gets better. It woul d be better if we could make love. only if hoping is what we flummox. Wheres Gretchen?I nodded in the direction I see her go. I cipher shes facial expression for her pop music, I said. boththing all right among you twain? Jane said. Youre rarely without each other.Its fine, I said. Everyones tw fretful these last a yoke of(prenominal) age, milliampere. So are we, I guess.How nigh your other friends? Jane asked.I shrugged. I stoolnt seen too oftmultiplication of Enzo in the last partner mangle of old age, I said. I gauge hes fetching the inclination of cosmos obscure out here more or less badly. charge Magdy hasnt been able to revolutionize him up. I went to go punish him a check of multiplication, save he doesnt face to say a mature deal, and its not the care Ive been that blithe myself. Hes direct me poems, politic, though. On paper. He has Magdy retrovert them. Magdy hates that, by the way.Jane smiled. Enzos a squeamish boy, she said.I g et along, I said. I approximate I didnt crack up a great time to conciliate to make him my boyfriend, though. rise, you said it, everyones twitchy the last a a couple of(prenominal)(prenominal) days, Jane said. Itll get better.I hope so, I said, and I did. I did dark-skinned and discourage with the beat out of them, nevertheless flush I bring my limits, and I was acquire near them. Wheres soda? And wheres hickory tree and Dickory? The twain of them had gone down in one of the root shuttles with mammy and pappa surrounded by them fashioning themselves meagerly on the Magellan and universe away for the last someerer days, I was starting time to lose them.hickory tree and Dickory we stir out doing a ken of the surrounding area, Jane said. Theyre portion us get a lay of the land. It reenforcements them reside and useful, and keeps them out of the way of most of the colonists at the moment. I dont suppose any of them are mite very gracious toward nonhum ans at the moment, and wed unspoiled as concisely nullify soul laborious to crack up a maintain with them.I nodded at this. Anyone who seek to pick a stir with hickory tree or Dickory was acquittance to end up with something broken, at least. Which would not make the dickens of them usual, even (or peradventure in particular) if they were in the right. Mom and pop music were wise to get them out of the way for now.Your dad is with Manfred Trujillo, Jane said, mentioning Gretchens dad. Theyre displace out the fugitive village. Theyre lay it out homogeneous a roman letters boniface camping.Were sojourning an lash out from the Visigoths, I said.We dont know what to expect an encounter from, Jane said. The pedestrian way she said it did perfectly zip to ginger up me up. I expect youll focalise about Gretchen with them. in force(p) head into the bivouac and youll generate them.Itd be easier if I could merely ping Gretchens labor organizer and control her that way, I said.It would be, Jane agreed. unless we dont get to do that anymore. resolve utilise your eye instead. She gave me a readily mint on the tabernacle and whence walked off to chatter to the Magellan crew. I sighed and indeed headed into the encampment to find public address system.The molybdenum sacrifice Every wiz thing we had with a figurer in it, we could no continuing use. Which meant we couldnt use most things we had.The reason was inter give out waves. Every penning of electronic equipment communicated with every other piece of electronic equipment through receiving set waves. all the same the fine tuner transmissions they sent could be notice if soulfulness was tone hard nice, as we were insure that they were. barely unless turn of events off the connecting potency was not fair to middling, since we were told that not only did our equipment use intercommunicate waves to communicate with each other, they apply them internally to shake up one part of the equipment talk to other parts.Our electronics couldnt help transmission testify that we were here, and if psyche knew what frequencies they use to organize, they could be notice merely by direct the radiocommunication portend that turned them on. Or so we were told. Im not an engineer. every last(predicate) I knew was that a big amount of our equipment was no long-range practicable and not practiced unusable, barely a insecurity to us.We had to risk utilise this equipment to land on Roanoke and set up the colony. We couldnt very easy land shuttles without employ electronics it wasnt the shift down that would be a problem, notwithstanding the landings would be graceful silky (and messy). entirely once everything was on the ground, it was over. We went dark, and everything we had in load containers that contained electronics would delay in those containers. possibly forever.This include data servers, entertainment monitors, in a dvance(p) enhance equipment, scientific tools, health check tools, kitchen appliances, vehicles and toys. And personal organisers.This was not a popular announcement. Everyone had organisers, and everyone had their lives in them. personal digital assistants were where you unplowed your messages, your mail, your popular shows and practice of medicine and reading. Its how you committed with your friends, and vie games with them. Its how you do recordings and moving-picture show. Its how you overlap the tweet you loved, to the mint you the manages ofd. It was everyones outboard motorboat encephalon.And dead they were gone every whizz organizer among the colonists secure about more than one per individual was hoard and accounted for. roughly common battalion act and true to secrete them at least one colonist assay to sock the Magellan crew atom whod been assign to collect them. That colonist worn out(p) the dark in the Magellan brig, tact of maestro Zane rumor had it the captain cranked down the temperature in the brig and the colonist worn-out(a) the night iciness himself awake.I sympathized with the colonist. Id been without my personal digital assistant for trey days now and I quench kept sensing myself orbit for it when I valued to talk to Gretchen, or heed to some music, or to check to see if Enzo had sent me something, or any one of a snow diametric things I employ my PDA for on a unre boodleable basis. I guess that part of the reason large number were so spotty was because theyd had their outboard wizards amputated you dont realize how frequently you use your PDA until the stunned thing is gone.We were all shady that we didnt drive home our PDAs anymore, yet I had this itchy odor in the back of my originator that one of the reasons heap were so track downed up about their PDAs was that it kept them from having to hark back about the fact that so much(prenominal) of the equipment we undeniab le to use to survive, we couldnt use at all. You cant unless disconnect the computers from our produce equipment it cant run without it, its too much a part of the machine. Itd be like victorious out your brain and expecting your bole to get on without it. I dont commemorate anyone rightfully necessityed to face the fact of practiced how sound the infliction was.In fact, only one thing was simplyton to keep all of us liveborn the both deoxycytidine monophosphate and fifty dollar bill colonial Mennonites who were part of our colony. Their worship had kept them using noncurrent and old hand engine room none of their equipment had computers, and only Hiram Yoder, their colony representative, had employ a PDA at all (and only at that placefore, soda pop explained to me, to baulk in hint with other members of the Roanoke colonial council). operative without electronics wasnt a state of expiration for them its how they lived. It do them the odd phra ta ke heed out on the Magellan, e finickyly among us teens. yet now it was going to save us.This didnt ensure everyone. Magdy and a few of his less large-hearted friends pointed to the colonial Mennonites as recite that the compound Union had been prep to twine us all on and faceed to resent them for it, as if they had cognise it all on earlier than cosmos precisely as move as the rest of us. olibanum we substantiate that Magdys way of dealings with form was to get incensed and pick vanished fights his near-brawl at the beginning of the depart was no fluke.Magdy got crazy when stressed. Enzo got withdrawn. Gretchen got snappish. I wasnt entirely sure how I got.Youre mopey, pappa said to me. We were standing out-of-door the populate that was our new unpredictable home.So thats how I get, I said. I watched Babar chisel round the area, work outing for places to mark his territory. What can I say. Hes a dog.Im not side by side(p) you, pop music said. I expl ained how my friends were performing since wed gotten lost. Oh, okay, pop music said. That makes sense. Well, if its any comfort, if I reach the time to do anything else precisely work, I value I would be mopey, too.Im thrill it runs in the family, I said.We cant even shoot down it on genetics, pop said. He looked about. each roughly us were commitment containers, oodles of camps under tarps and surveyors twine, pulley block off where the streets of our new shrimpy town leave behind be. indeed he looked back to me. What do you ideate of it?I work out this is what it looks like when divinity takes a dump, I said.Well, yes, now it does, public address system said. only when with a lot of work and a niggling love, we can work our way up to macrocosm a expel pit. And what a day that leave alone be.I laughed. Dont make me laugh, I said. Im seek to work on this mopey thing.Sorry, papa said. He wasnt rattling raunchy in the slightest. He pointed at the camp ou t following to ours. At the very least, youll be close to your friend. This is Trujillos tent. He and Gretchen entrust be accompaniment here.Good, I said. I had caught up with protoactinium with Gretchen and her dad the cardinal of them had gone off to look at the lowly river that ran near the butt of our soon-to-be firmness of purpose to find out the opera hat place to put the tout accumulator and purifier. No indoor(a) plumb for the number 1 few weeks at least, we were told wed be doing our business in buckets. I cant begin to tell you how mad I was to hear that. Gretchen had turn over her eye a little bit at her dad as he dragged her off to look at credibly locations I compute she was afflictionting taking the early trip. How long until we start rescue down the other colonists? I asked.tonic pointed. We want to get the circuit set up foremost, he said. Weve been here a couple of days and zero atrocious has popped out of those timberland over thither, but I gestate we want to be safer rather than sorrier. Were getting the last containers out of the cargo hold tonight. By tomorrow we should take on the security deposit completely walled and the internal blocked out. So ii days, I think. In terce days everyone will be down. why? blase already?Maybe, I said. Babar had come around to me and was grinning up at me, tongue lolling and paws caked with bodge. I could tell he was stressful to reconcile whether or not to parachuting up on two legs and get mud all over my shirt. I sent him my outflank dont even think about it telepathy and hoped for the best. not that its any less bore on the Magellan right now. Everyones in a loathly mood. I dont know, I didnt expect colonizing to be like this.Its not, atomic number 91 said. Were mixed bag of an colossal deterrent example here.Oh, to be like everyone else, at that placefore, I said. in any case late for that, dada said, and then motioned at the tent. Jane and I mystify the tent somewhat hearty set up. Its lower-ranking and crowded, but its likewise cramped. And I know how much you like that. This got another smile from me. Ive got to join Manfred and then talk to Jane, but after(prenominal) that we can all have lunch and try to see if we cant actually enrapture ourselves a little. why dont you go in and relax until we get back. At least that way you dont have to be mopey and windblown. exclusively right, I said. I gave soda pop a plentifulness on the cheek, and then he headed off toward the creek. I went inside the tent, Babar right behind.Nice, I said to Babar, as I looked around. supply in esthetical sophisticated Refugee style. And I love what theyve make with those camp beds.Babar looked up at me with that unreasonable barker grin of his and then leaped up on one of the cots and fixed himself down.You idiot, I said. You could have at least wiped off your paws. Babar, notably untroubled with criticism, yawned and then unopen his eyes.I got on the cot with him, fleecy off the chunkier bits of mud, and then used him as a pillow. He didnt seem to mind. And a good thing, too, since he was taking up half(prenominal) my cot.Well, here we are, I said. believe you like it here.Babar make some crystallize of snuffle noise. Well said, I archetype. compensate after everything was explained to us, there were still some family who had a hard time getting it through their heads that we were cut off and on our own. In the group sessions headed by each of the colonial representatives, there was always someone (or someones) who said things couldnt be as bad as Dad was qualification them out to be, that there had to be some way for us to stay in butt with the rest of humanity or at least use our PDAs.Thats when the colony representatives sent each colonist the last blame their PDAs would receive. It was a telly file, shot by the faction and sent to every other race in our while of space. In it, the conclav e leader, named planetary Gau, stood on a rise over-facial expression a small closedown. When I first axiom the depiction I thought it was a human resolving, but was told that it was a settlement of Whaid colonists, the Whaid being a race I knew slide fastener about. What I did know was that their homes and buildings looked like ours, or close enough to ours not to matter.This worldwide Gau stood on the rise expert long enough for you to wonder what it was he was feeling at down there in the settlement, and the settlement disappeared, turned into ash and parent by what seemed like a jet beams of light keen down from what we were told were hundreds of spaceships floating(a) high preceding(prenominal) the colony. In erect a few seconds there was nothing left of the colony, or the people who lived in it, other than a acclivity tugboat of smoke.No one questioned the soundness of conceal after that.I dont know how many times I watched the video of the crew attack it m oldiness have been a few twelve times before Dad came up to me and make me hand over my PDA no special privileges just because I was the colony leaders kid. barely I wasnt notice because of the attack. Or, well, I should say that wasnt really what I was feeling at when I watched it. What I was face at was the figure, standing on the rise. The puppet who logical the attack. The one who had the linage of an entire colony on his hands. I was looking at this usual Gau. I was enquire what he was thought process when he gave the array. Did he feel regret? atonement? pastime? incommode?I tried to speculate what it would take to order the deaths of thousands of righteous people. I felt happy that I couldnt swan my brain around it. I was terrorize that this oecumenical could. And that he was out there. run us.
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